Ingrid Ostby is a comedian & writer in New York. You can read her work in the Reductress book How to Stay Productive When the World Is Ending. She’s a long-time contributing writer for Reductress and has been published in The New Yorker, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency and more.
She performs characters, stand-up and reads humor essays at venues across the city, and is an actor when not working a 9-5. Her face has been featured in videos like these. Her tweets have been featured in College Humor, Funny or Die, Esquire, Time, Slate, Huffington Post, Elle, Elle UK, Cosmopolitan, Washington Post, Telegraph, The Guardian and Buzzfeed, among others.
Ingrid is a Second City Conservatory alum, has been on several house ensembles at the Magnet Theater and has performed and trained at UCBNY and the iO Theatre Chicago.
She’s also a copy editor, but she’s busy right now and can’t edit your cover letter. Sry.